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Family & Lifestyle on 15 June 2011 with
Many of my friends live quite some distance due to the fact that we all met in Edinburgh and then dispersed to our husband’s various home turfs after the kids arrived. This means that to see each other, we often split the travel (as gas is currently an eye-watering $10/gallon) and agree to meet somewhere central, which is usually a Farm Shop. They can offer great locations, the kids get to play and we get a decent cappuccino and a bit of gourmet shopping to boot. These are places that Mums love during the week and Dads get dragged to (somewhat begrudgingly) on the weekends.
Farm Shops are different from Farmers Markets (think chilly, drizzly car park/ parking lot on a Saturday morning), as they are usually stand alone shops attached to a single or group of farms selling meat, eggs, produce and some high-end bits and bobs. As such, I have decided to conduct a completely non-objective survey of the farm shops in my area and any other ones I may come across in my travels.
To begin, I start with the Grand Dame of them all…..LOCH LEVEN LARDER.

- Travel a few miles from down this road
First take the M90 Motorway to the Kinross exit, head to Milnathort and follow this wee country road out of town otherwise known as the A911.

- Continue past Burleigh Castle (pronounced “burly”) on left…
You will continue past this castle on your left, (they literally have these things just laying about here) and in just a mile or so you should see this most welcome sign. Look close it can be hard to see.

- Hooray! You have arrived!
Congratulations – great pleasure awaits.

Greeter #1
You are initially greeted by the requisite Heilan’ Coo (Highland Cow) for proper rural flair.

Greeter #2 "Sky the Horse"
And as an added bonus you are also welcome to come and pet (but don’t sneak up on) a lovely one-eyed Welsh Pony named Sky. She slipped on the ice.

Unassuming but tidy exterior
The exterior provides little clue as to what is come. Unfortunately, I was unable to get any interior shots (cut me some slack I am new at this) but if anyone has seen Meryl Streep’s cafe in “It’s Complicated” that should give you some idea. It wasn’t my intention but a menu just happened to come home with me (I blame the kids). It may not be the done thing but I just had to include a copy to show how simple but freaking fabulous just about everything is on the menu. Feast your eyes….

- The Embodiment of Fresh, Seasonal & Local.
My friend’s little girl ordered and egg roll (US translation just the egg of a bacon, egg muffin) and as she bit into it the most ridiculously deep orange yolk slowing oozed out from the buttered roll – truly glorious. I had the Puddledub Bacon Roll (US translation – just smoked back bacon on a buttered roll not dissimilar to a good quality hamburger bun, sounds unimpressive but I assure you it is not) that I originally intended to split with my son, but it was so good I am afraid to admit he was mightily short-changed.

Brunch with Eggs Benedict AND High Tea - Nirvana.
As the menu boasts two of my very favourite concepts in eating, brunch AND high tea, I need to make a fair few more trips (a few without kids) until I can declare myself satiated. Another big bonus of the interior is that the entire rear of the building is plate glass – wisely weather proofed to provide enjoyment of the view. So if the weather is not so nice, kick back and relax.

- Stunning View Looking East
However, if the weather is nice in the least, get yourself out back because the views are breathtaking. There are about five different seating areas and a kids play area, each providing a different angle to the views. This one is looking east from the back of the building with crystalline sunshine.

Stunning View to the South Overlooking Loch Leven
This is my favourite view looking due south at Loch Leven (it should look familiar). There is an island in the middle of the loch in which Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned from 1567-1568 and from where she was forced to abdicate. In the summer there is a boat tour out to the ruins of the castle, but while pondering this over your eggs benny, you could also opt for the amazing network of walks, bike paths or local nature reserves. All in all, a cracking day out.
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Now you’ve got me salivating for a bacon roll… and with barely enough change to play ‘shove ha’penny’! Spare a bob for a starving civil servant, mister?
Anything for you!!!