My Blessings, My Wrinkles
My Ladybug is an amazing combination of Snow White looks and Wednesday Addams world perspective. She chose to dress up as Boudicca http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudica for World Book Day at school. She also runs a booming Rock Shop from our home most days after school – even in near hurricane conditions. That should provide a good clue as to her interests.
Then there is my Rebel Without a Pause. I am very tired at night – and come to think of it most of the day as well. Still, I am very happy he is here and I have it on good family authority that he will settle down, eventually.
And here is the man who has made it all possible. Thank you for making it soooo worth it to change my name and run off to a foreign country.
What a lovely post and what a great website! I am well impressed. I have subscribed and look forward to reading the latest updates. (Never knew about Robert the Bruce’s heart! Some adopted Scot I am..) 🙂 Lee x