Skye – Our Haven
Partly due to the unique circumstances of the past few years and partly because I seem to live life as if my head was on fire, when I finally awake on Skye I tend to feel like I have crash landed rather than just ‘arrived’.
But after a few cups of coffee and some deep breaths taking in the exquisite stillness that surrounds us, I am ready to head out.
For the next few days this is my daily commute for a morning paper (there is blessedly no internet in the cottage) and take in the sights.
Having lived most of my life either in or near large cities, I am always taken aback by how pristine everything seems out here. This photograph is actually looking downhill to the water which is so still it perfectly mirrors the sky!
As we round the corner on the indelicately named “Lump” we descend into the port of the town. According to Wikipedia, “The name for Portree in Gaelic is Port Rìgh translates as ‘king’s port’, possibly from a visit by King James V of Scotland in 1540. However this etymology has been contested, since James did not arrive in peaceful times. The older name appears to have been Port Ruighe(adh), meaning “slope harbour.”
The images from these posts span a few years, but this year we welcomed a new addition to our family our lovely Luna the Utonagan. She is beautiful, she is fabulous, and she is by far the biggest poser of our lot.
After breakfast we are all itching to jump in the car and head out to our usual sights. This is of course the majestic Old Man of Storr, a climber’s delight.
And to the vertigo inducing Kilt Rock, so named for it’s resemblance to the folds of that iconic Scottish fashion statement.
And then, of course straight up to the Quiraing, the northernmost summit on the Trotternish Pennisula. (I fear that my children will remember their entire childhoods being dragged up and around to these externally breezy sites!)
Now, since I know that few to no people outside of Scotland will have the foggiest idea how to pronounce this must see feature, on our return this year we saved the dessert from our cook out on the beach to aid our far flung cousins. So here we are with our delicious Meringues which is the closest thing to rhyme with Quiraing. (Luna is none to pleased to be denied this snack!)
We always need to stop by our favourite fossil place,
to reach back in time to see what used to walk around this same land and be inspired to find new examples.
The highlight of this year’s trip was a fantastic boat ride to see the local wild life.
(Please take a moment and look at how my 9 year old daughter is dressed, in October, on the open sea and compare that to how the other folks on our trip chose to clad themselves. She does not even have so much as a goose bump on her! I wonder if all those born North of the Wall have anti-freeze for blood?)
At first, our Luna was not at all sure that the liked being on a boat,
but she soon got over her nerves and joined in the excitement of the adventure.
Particularly when she could hear the sonar of the porpoises,
and began chatting with the seals,
and marvelled at the sheer scale of the newly reintroduced sea eagles.
We all had an absolute ball.
Upon hearing my accent I am often asked why I live in Scotland instead of the States. But when my kids get to roam so free,
to be mermaids,
to collect yummy things for dinner, and generally partake in such a magnificent landscape.
The answer is just a quiet nod just to say, “we love it here, thanks”.